
cropped-oldhayrake1191.jpgLet me introduce myself.  I am Brad Scott.  I am from a little-known place along the North Fork of the Holston River in Scott County, Virginia.  Not far from Possum Creek.  The house I was raised in faced the old road, the back door opened towards the new four-lane.  I was reared looking toward the past.  So, it is natural for me to be interested in old ways, old things, old people, and old ideas.   This blog has been a way for me to do that.  


16 Responses to About

  1. mark early says:

    Fantastic! I haven’t read them all, but what I’ve read so far is wonderful. W.C. Mason would be proud.

  2. teresa2paradise says:

    Hi Brad,


    The LIESTER BLOG AWARD IS TO RECOGNIZE OUTSTANDING BLOGGERS with less than 200 followers who deserve more recognition. You certainly deserve it for your well-written, inspiring posts. Here’s what I posted on my site…

    Brad Scott, living in the Great Smoky Mountain Range of the Appalachia area, shares Appalachian Christian Spirituality with so much warmth, community feelings, depth, and beauty. He explains “Concert Prayer”, which I also grew up around, which becomes a symphony of emotions, and desires, not just words — it’s very powerful. The simple country lifestyle expressed in spiritual ways gives me a longing in my heart for these type of people so knit together spiritually. Great job, Brad.

    Now its your turn to pass it on to those blogs you’ve enjoyed too. (You do not have to include me in the 5 you pick unless you want to.) Just pick 5 bloggers you’ve enjoyed reading. Here’s the rules. And, there is an award Icon for you to copy and use on your posting when you’re ready….

    Liebster is a German word that means dearest, and this award is given to bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve more recognition.
    The rules are:
    * Thank your Liebster Blog Award presenter on your blog.
    * Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
    * Give your top 5 picks for the award.
    * Inform your top 5 by leaving a comment on their blog.
    * Post the award on your blog.

  3. Hi Brad!

    My Father John F. Greear sent me the link to your blog. Thank you for leaving this story about the Greear Cemetery. I have seen different family trees to include Shadrack Greear. Thank you for sharing the directions and pictures.

    Christina Greear

  4. Amy Witt Ridgewell says:

    Hello there. In the about section, you stated you will no longer post on the blog as of 2014 and I wonder if this form will reach you but just in the event it does, I found your blog while doing a search for “Mallow Presbyterian Church” located in the the small town of Covington VA. I am not sure if you had a connection with that church however my parents were married there and grew up in that church, my paternal Great Grandparents were founding members and both grandparents on both sides were lifelong members. I have always lived in FL (am 27) but have many childhood memories of visiting this church in the summer and for Christmas. I see you are a United Methodist, I worked in ministry for 8 years most of that time for two ministers and the. The last year in another large church before I discerned out of a call into ministry. Anyway, I was unable to do a search of your blog and the chances are slim but because you came up in the search and I so loved the other blog posts I read of yours, I wanted to reach out and see if you were connected to Mallow. I wrote a short little blog post about the church: https://amyridgewell.wordpress.com/2011/06/20/mallow/
    Blessings to you and if you are not connected, sorry to bother you….but I so enjoyed your blog. Merry Christmas!

  5. Brad, I am a fellow Scott Countian, and I wonder everytime I look at the construction on the Bray farm whether the slave cemetery was saved. Have you heard anything?

    • Brad Scott says:

      I don’t know anything since the time I posted that originally. I have driven by recently and it looks like a lot of dirt has been moved. I’d be surprised if they do anything to save it. That’s a shame but what can you do? I appreciate your inquiry.

      Brad Scott

  6. Penny Miller says:

    I am the great granddaughter of Andrew Elbert Ketron Sr. My grandfather was Andrew Elbert Ketron Jr. My father, Frank Ketron Sr., has told me stories of the Ketron family history pretty much all of my life…therefore, I loved your piece about Ketron History…

  7. Gillian Chandler says:

    Hi, Brad!
    I found you when researching my family. Lilburn Scott and Mary Berry Scott are my Great Great Grandparents. I actually have the original of the photo that you posted of Mary Berry Scott, which includes Lilburn. It also shows my Great Grandmother (their daughter), Julia Scott Dotson, and her husband, Madison Monroe Dotson.

  8. Ivory says:

    Hi Brad!
    I am Amanda Scotts (the one who killed her brother) decended granddaughter from her son William Scott (irony – since her brothers name was William) I already knew about her, and her craziness- but thank you for the good read of the whole Scott family history.
    I am also a DNA extraction analyst – if you need to verify your Native American blood let me know- I will do it for free since were family. My mother came out at 2% Native American from Cherokee tribe, this Native American ancestry comes from our ggggreat grandmother Nancy Butts.

  9. BK says:

    *Loved* your post from April 12, 2013, Appalachian Lexicon. I grew up in the South, in a suburban area a bit removed from the mountains; however, my mom, an Appalachian Georgia native, used many (though not all) of these terms when I was growing up. “Kyarn” was always a favorite of mine, and led me here. Nobody in our area used any of these terms, just our family/mom (non-Southerners don’t seem to get that the South is not a mono-culture, and with RARE exception they certainly cannot imitate any of the many accents or speech patterns accurately…).

    A couple of additional ones not shown here that were frequent in her speech included “comin’ up a cloud” for an imminent thunderstorm (e.g., “Y’all better get in, looks like it’s fixin’ to come up a cloud!”), and “spute” for dispute, typically a stern rebuke when one of us “young’uns” was questioning her (“Don’t you SPUTE my word!”). I’m sure I’m forgetting others. Thanks for the post!

    • Brad Scott says:

      Thanks! Another blog to check out is “Blind Pig and the Acorn” which publishes pretty often Appalachian Vocabulary and “Overheard,” focusing on our words and usages. Embrace your mom’s speech. It’s part of you.

  10. James Francis says:

    Hi Brad!

    I am a descendant of Adam Akard, the brother of Frederich Akard, who died in 1842. I still live on the farm he acquired in 1832, in a land swap from land he had that was added to the property Bristol was later built on. I enjoyed reading this very much, and would love to share some information about this side of the family.

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